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Il Manifesto di Politics Hub

Politics Hub is a non-partisan non-profit association. It was founded to promote a critical approach toward politics and today’s social challenges. It was created by young people to benefit the whole community. This is what we believe in.


We believe that persons are the foundation, the subject and the purpose of the social life


Politics Hub pays attention to the skills, aptitudes, and interests of each of its members so that everyone can feel empowered by their role in the association, thus benefiting the group as a whole. When meeting our guests, we are primarily interested in their personal journey and in the ideals that drive their work, and only secondarily in their institutional or political role. We believe that politics should focus on society’s needs, look for possible solutions and give each individual the tools they need to contribute to society’s wellbeing.


A society which does not value its youth has no future


Politics Hub aims at getting the youth engaged in today’s sociopolitical challenges and at helping them develop their critical thinking around these issues. We believe that politics should give young people their due credit and, in return, they should have an active role in the social and political lives of their communities.


Knowledge is key for critical thinking and concrete action


Politics Hub believes that education is the primary means through which one can fulfil its potential. 

Politics should promote access to education and research, invest in them, improve them and adapt them to the needs of the labor market.


Expertise and merit are vital in the development of our association and of society


Politics Hub acknowledges effort and merit as pillars of a society that supports the development of the individual and sees them as a resource for the community.

Effort and merit should prevail over favoritism and clientelism as ways to measure how one fits into their societal role.

Politics Hub rewards quality and strives to create an environment where everyone can develop their skills and follow their passion.


Respect for the individual is foundational to our association and promotes constructive dialogue


Politics Hub promotes reciprocal respect and a plurality of opinions as the foundations of meaningful dialogue.

Politics Hub distances itself from superficial and violent rhetoric, as it gathers easy but unsubstantial consensus and aims at taking down the opponent without seeking the truth.


A democratic society cannot survive without verified and unbiased information


Politics Hub believes it has a social duty to inform freely and thoroughly by creating a space for dialogue between experts and young people.

Politics Hub fights against fake news with fair news based on direct and verifiable evidence, providing as clear a picture of the problem as possible.


Our nature and our actions are indispensably democratic


Politics Hub promotes the democratic process based on freedom of expression, political pluralism, and formal and substantive equality.


We condemn human rights violations in any way, shape, or form, as they deny humans their inherent dignity


Politics Hub actively defends and promotes human rights, as they are fundamental to all democratic societies. We refer to the European Convention on Human Rights for their definition.


Economic progress should take sustainable wellbeing into account


Politics Hub is in favor of a model of sustainable economy which considers environmental protection and the wellbeing of all the members of the community.

Politics Hub believes in the social responsibility of companies, which should pursue both profit and the general welfare.


We believe that young people have the right and the responsibility to be an integral part of the building process of the European project


Politics Hub believes in Europe as a community of peoples united in the promotion of peace aimed at playing a central role on an international level in the years to come.

Politics Hub wants to actively promote the process of European integration at a political, cultural, and economic level.

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